About CSOR

Mission Statement

CSOR seeks total restoration of persons who have committed sexual offenses, including social, psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual. CSOR is committed to reducing victimization and increasing the safety of the public through the restoration/rehabilitation of the person who has sexually offended.


Vision Statement

The organization supports those who have committed a sexual offense and their families and friends through: establishment of a coalition of organizations and individuals providing different kinds of support, including: housing, jobs, financial support for re-entry, counseling/mentoring, assistance with life skills, circles of support and accountability, Bible study and other spiritual support, reconciliation of families, and more; volunteer hands on activities with those who have been accused and convicted, whether they are incarcerated, on probation, parole, or off supervision but have to register:

  • Identifies and establishes support systems in Denver and other major population centers in Colorado and beyond for those with a sexual offense;
  • Prepares and submits grants and other fundraising to sustain the work of these organizations and individuals as they assist with the restoration process;
  • Educates the public and CSOR coalition supporters regarding the truth about sexual offense recidivism and current research findings. The public includes, but is not limited to: the news media, the legislature local and national, churches, schools and other community groups.


Values Statement

CSOR does not label those with a sexual offense, and treats them with dignity and respect. CSOR encourages accountability as well as forgiveness.